Our Little Fisherman

Our Little Fisherman

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Build me a son, whose heart will be clear, whose goals will be high, a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men, one who will learn to laugh, yet never forget to weep, one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past." ~ General Douglas McArthur

God loves little boys and all that they do, exploring and laughing and roughhousing, too. God loves their energy, eagerness and wit. He loves their serious side and their fanciful spirit. He guides them and tends them while they grow, giving them all of the grace he can bestow. God's plan for his boys is wondrous as well, because soon in their place little men will dwell. ~ Randy Grayson
Okay...I am finally trying to create a blog page to capture the wonderful life of my precious son, Outler Evan Morgan! He will be turning 6 in November!!! I hope that you all enjoy seeing and hearing about him as much as I have enjoyed starting this project! Thank you for visiting and please stay tuned...Outler is a busy boy!!!

My goal was to capture ONE picture of Outler at the beach...

My goal was to capture ONE picture of Outler at the beach...

He is just our little Surfer Boy...we love him sooo!

He is just our little Surfer Boy...we love him sooo!

I decided that I could not decide...I loved so many of them. These are my favorites!

I decided that I could not decide...I loved so many of them. These are my favorites!